Seminario – “Botanical education and research in Ethiopia: opportunities for collaboration”
Orto e Museo Botanico 6 Luglio 2022
6 luglio 2022 – ore 14:30 – Aula Savi
“Botanical education and research in Ethiopia: opportunities for collaboration”
Interverrà il prof. Bikila Warkineh dell’Addis Ababa University, professore associato presso l’Università di Addis Ababa, terrà un seminario in inglese per illustrare le proprie attività di ricerca in ambito botanico.
Ethiopia is endowed with rich plant biodiversity, which could be attributed to the varied climate, topography, and geology, and is one of the 12 major centres of crop genetic diversity in the world. Though Ethiopia is rich in plant biodiversity, wise use and conservation of these vast resources need special attention. The Biology Department of Addis Ababa University started botanical and zoological research in the 1950s when it became a department of the University College of Addis Ababa. The National Herbarium (ETH) was established in 1959 and it is one of the plant Museums available in the country. Botanical research has expanded steadily since the 1980s when the Ethiopian Flora Project was started. In this talk, Dr. Bikila will highlight the development of botanical sciences in Ethiopia and will highlight possibilities and opportunities for collaboration with Pisa University.